
Bronze Contemporary

Bronze contemporary Shetland Lace beaded art-piece. Knitted round (every 2nd row in purl lace to produce the traditional important texture of ‘riggies’ or garter in Shetland Lace.) to produce seamless lace, beads all knitted in with designs inspired from the St Ninians bowls. Made with metallic yarn and antique style beads. Reminiscent of roaring twenties and flapper style garment fashion. These hats can be worn but I have them lit up on heads and globes as contemporary sculpture art-pieces (heirlooms), which they are.

Pewter Contemporary

Pewter contemporary Shetland Lace beaded art-piece. As above but with the old Shetland ‘Birds eye’ lace pattern.

Alice Maude

As above but in the black ‘Alice Maude’ Shetland fine lace pattern from the 1800s one of my favourites.

Spiderling Lace

As above but in the teal variation in metallic yarn with old Shetland ‘Spiderling Lace’ fine lace pattern. Beaded design inspired from patterns indented on the treasure bowls.

Black Birds Eye Lace

Black ‘Birds eye’ Lace pattern version.

Verdi variation

Verdi variation. In ‘Alice Maude’ lace pattern.